Where Merit Matters

More than affordable, more than accessible, Christian higher education needs to be reliable.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

New Tennessee Temple University President

"Danny Lovett was dean of Jerry Falwell's Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, a deeply compromised Southern Baptist school, for the past twelve years. Liberty affiliates with radically ecumenical organizations such as Promise Keepers and Rick Warren's Purpose Driven ministry, features prominent New Evangelical speakers such as Billy Graham and holds Christian rock concerts. Lovett recently became President of Tennessee Temple University, succeeding David Bouler who remains as pastor. With Lovett as president, TTU completes its decades-old journey toward complete capitulation to New Evangelicalism. It was soft on separation as far back as the 1970s. [Adapted, Baptist Bible Trumpet]. Note: TTU on April 21 held a “Christian rock” concert in Highland Park's main auditorium. (Sword, 5/05)."

(From Calvary Contender 06/2005)

Board Recommends 12% Tuition Increase at USC

Greenville News article

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Reality TV

Declining By Degrees is the title of a new documentary and book about many of the current issues and problems facing American colleges and universities. PBS plans to air the documentary on June 24, and it should be very interesting since the program will look at contemporary college life from many different viewpoints.
